Merry Christmas

Ho ho ho! Happy Christmas Eve to everybody who celebrates Christmas and happy holidays to everyone! What better nail art to have on your nails on Christmas than Santa himself? I painted most of my fingers a lovely bright red (I painted the ring finger with a nude pink/brown polish). When that was fully dry, I taped on a thick stripe on my thumb close to the cuticle and painted it black. With a dotter tool, I then added white dots all the way down to the black stripe (leave them a little bobble-y to make it seem "fuzzy"). When the black was dry, I drew on a gold square right in the middle of the black stripe. Add two little lines in the middle of the gold square in black and it is perfect for a belt buckle! On the ring finger, I taped a triangle and painted it red. Add white dots at the tip of the nail and one dot at the top tip of the triangle and you have Santa's hat! Polishes Used: OPI in Bubble Bath(nude) and Big Apple Red(red). Essie in blanc(white) and licorice(b...